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The computer chip is a tile in Chip's Challenge, which typically Chip must collect a specified number of in order to open the socket to reach the exit.

Some levels have no chips required, which allows Chip to immediately open any existing sockets (only Castle Moat) has no chips and sockets), and some levels have fewer chips required than exist in the level, although sometimes chips will be inaccessible (see Lesson 6), and sometimes Chip can avoid collecting the chips due to a mistake in the programming or a glitch of some type. Examples of the latter are Tossed Salad, Three Doors, Hidden Danger, and Scoundrel. Chip can, however, collect more chips than he is required, but this will of course slow him down, and he can open as many sockets as he wishes once he has all the chips.

A computer chip acts as dirt until Chip collects it. Often, chips will be hidden under blocks (as originally taught in Lesson 4).

See also
